Short Story for Kids written by: Mariache (Nicaragua)
…Without thinking about it, Boy-boy jumped into the car and Napoleon ran after him, because his friends were inside.
“Ooh, Boy-Boy” – Bubu said almost crying when he saw his friend – “The hunters have caught me, what´s going to happen to me!! I heard I was going to be sold for money. I can´t live locked up far from the jungle!”
“Don´t worry, I will free you ” – Boy-Boy said. – “I will also open the parrots and the toucans cage, and free the baby leopard too. But we have to do all of this in silence. Don´t worry Bubu, Napoleon is coming to help me”.
Boy-Boy cut the rope tied around Bubu´s legs and said: “Don´t speak and don’t move. Before we escape up the road, we need to wait until Napoleon arrives. Open the parrots and toucan´s cages. Tell them not to move and to be silent. Take care of the baby leopard and keep him calm to stop him crying”.
“Ooh!” – Bubu said – “But we are already near the road and Napoleon isn´t here, I am very scared”.
The hunters were putting up a sign saying: “Parrots, toucans and wild animals for sale”.
“Poor me..” – Bubu moaned – “I hope Napoleon arrives”.
Meanwhile, Napoleon met the mummy of the baby leopard, who was also following the hunter’s trails, and she joined Napoleon to rescue them. She knew a shortcut to reach the hunter’s cage faster.
They arrived where the illegal hunters had put up their shop, and hid.
– “Well” – said one of them – “We are ready”.
Suddenly, the mummy leopard jumped on one of the hunters from where she was hiding and Napoleon bit the other hunter´s leg. Boy-Boy shouted: “Everybody out of the cages, fly to freedom!”
The hunters were screaming and begging for help, pleading so the “beasts” would go away.
A police patrol appeared, Napoleon explained to them what the hunters had done, and the police took them and handcuffed them, because they had commit a crime. Wild animals are from the jungle and have to live freely.
Bubu and Boy-Boy ran towards the jungle and waited for mummy leopard and Napoleon in the middle of the path.
When mummy leopard arrived she hugged her baby happily, Napoleon arrived behind her and also hugged his friend Bubu with joy. Then they all went back to the jungle.
Bubu said excitedly: “Thank you friends, thank you!!! What would have become of me!” – he said – “Now I know we are more than friends, we are all for one and one for all. I love friendship!”
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