New Short Story for Kids written by: Miriam de la cruz.
Once upon a time…
There was a town called “The Memory”, with colourful houses, perfumed flowers and fruit trees. Where the birds were plentiful, trilling every morning bringing happiness to their visitors.
People in town were used to have hens, pigs or turkeys in their courtyards, depending on their food preferences. As is normal, there were bigger houses from rich people, and also small houses.
There was a corner house from a big rich, which had a big courtyard with a big hen yard with a fence facing the street, so the visitors could go to see them and give them food.
One day, the circus came to town, and a merchant came too. He was a seller of wooden articles, tables, chairs, brooms, brushes…and stilts to sell them on the circus.
When the merchant saw the corner house was amazed with the flowers hanging form the roof: daisies; bougainvillea, myrtles, violets and so on.
But, the hens yard, their colorful feathers and the appetizing the hens looked to calm his hunger, attracted his attention specially.
So, planing to eat a nice hen soup, approached the fence of the yard and catch the attention of the hens. All of them ran towards him hoping to get a good handful of corn.
But one of them didn´t get close, stayed apart, outside the tumult of her sisters and friends, rearing up, becoming easy prey for the merchant.
So, trying to gain her confidence, the merchant looked for the way of going into the yard and approached her saying:
- “Little hen, what´s your name?”
And the little hen replied shyly: “Jewel”
- “And why are you so shy and sad? I saw you rearing up, your legs are very short, that is why you are so sad, that´s the reason, isn’t it?”
Jewel was shocked thinking: “He is a wizard, discovered my secret“.
Shy and self-conscious replied: “I don´t like tumults, I can´t see well among many people, not because of my short legs, is because the others want to be the best, that´s why they overshadow me, even being the prettiest“.
The merchant was very happy, he had his first client to sell the stilts.
“I have the solution to be the biggest hen in the yard, the most powerful! you are already very pretty, but using stilts your legs will be longer, so you will be the tallest here!” – the merchant said.
The hen ran to her mom, yelling: “Mom, mooooooom….!!”
GRANNY´s Short Stories, dedicated to my grandchildren, Valentín and Matías.
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