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Short Story for girls and boys written by: Cecijorgesofi.

The violet Dog girl had one job. To keep Red horse inside the fence, and then, George the farmer used to close the door. So the horse did not eat the harvest of vegetables planted for the whole family.


But the red horse was friend of the flower called Rose Anna, and left galloping, jumping over the fence.



The dog girl got a fright when noticed the horse was not there, so went out as fast as she could to find him. Then she realized that the horse was friend of the flower Rose Anna.

The dog girl did not get angry, because she could visit them. The they played together and went back to the fence to sleep.

Geroge´s farm was full of harmony, everybody respected each other and helped each other in any way they could.

And that is the end of the story…

Values of this Short Story for Kids:  Respect, friendship.



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Short Story for Kids written by: shortstories.net team

Once upon a time…

There was a worms community living underground. Their biggest wish was to be able of going out to the surface to see the light. The king of the worms was the responsible for them reaching the surface to see the light.


The king of the worms used to give a speech every month telling the news in kingdom. But he always said the same to his citizens: “Dear worms, this is a bad year, we are still underground and this year, we won´t see the light either…”, used to say sitting on his throne without moving.



The worms, after listening the king´s speech, used to go to the bar to be sorry about their pities and to complain about the horrible crisis going on…

What the worms did not notice is that they had the same crisis since were born, because they had never truly proposed to go out and see the light.

But one of the worms, called Merry, thought: “If the king of the worms is not capable of getting us up to the surface to see the light, I will create my own company to reach the surface, this way I will make all worms see the light”.

So, Merry started working while singing “I m a happy worm! I am a happy worm!”

Every time other worm passed near him asked: “Merry, why are you so happy? Don´t you know we are in crisis and we won´t see the light this year either?”

And happy always answered: “I run my own destiny, and I am convinced that  I will see the light with my company”.

Merry continued working, ignoring the other worm´s gossips. And finally, after making a big effort, arrived to the surface. There took a flower to demonstrate he had arrived, and went back to the worms community”.

When was underground again with the flower, offered to the other worms, the possibility of fulfilling their dream of seeing the light under one condition: “I will be you king from now on”.

Even the current king accepted the condition, adding: “Merry has fulfilled our dream, and none of us wouldn´´t have done it without him Because Merry is optimistic. I was wrong, was pessimistic about the future and didn´t do anything to reach the light”.

That is how Merry, the happy worm, became the king of the community, and made expeditions with all the worms to see the light.


Moral of the short story: Work and move during crisis, look for a solution.

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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Daleinis Moran.

Once upon a time…

There was a girl called Sophie who really believed in Santa Claus, but the other kids didn´t, and were always telling her not to believe because it was not real. They were always trying to discourage her to stop believing in him.


That year, the 24th of December, Santa Claus arrived. Those who didn´t believe in him, saw him and he gave them what they wanted for Christmas.



From that moment, the kids always believed in Santa Claus, they knew he was someone magic, that gave toys to all children in the world.

They all agreed it was the best Christmas ever, and always enjoyed christmas since then. Asked forgiveness to their friend Sophie for having tried to take away her illusion and faith in Santa Claus.

And that is the end of the story…

Moral of the Short Story for Kids: You have to prove things before deciding they don´t exist.

Values of the Short Story for Kids: Honesty, Trust.


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Short Stories for girls and boys written by: Rosa Jimenez Peralta.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Dayane, she was very disobedient, ever obeyed her mom, and her mom wanted to teach her a lesson.She punished her every time she behaved badly, but Dayana continued like always, didn´t care about the consequences.

She knew it was for her own good, her mom loved her and didn´t want nothing bad happening to her, thats why she always advised her.


One day, Dayane woke up very early, when her mom saw her, sat her on a wood chair, she didn´t want to, so her mom asked her to take another chair, but the rebellious girl said:

- “No!”



The chair moved and broke and she fell down, her mom looked at her saying “I told you” and laughed.

“See, dear daughter, I don´t ask you to do things to torment you, I order you things for your own good, because I love you so much. And I´m laughing because I warmed you and you ignored me. To obey is good, is not a curse. Actually is good, because I show you my love and you show me yours. If you don’t obey me I won´t know if you really love me. Look what I want to do if you don´t change. As you always say, you have the obligation of doing what I order to you, and you say it´s unfair because you have the freedom of doing what you want because you are independent, you don´t like me putting you off the danger. But if I order you something is for your own good, imagine living with a rude daughter. You wouldn’t like it when you are an adult, cooking, paying expenses, working, nobody would like you if you were like that. If you keep behaving so bad, I will have to send you to other place to study, but there, we won´t be together, we will only see each other once a week, or even less. None of us like that, so, think about what are you going to do, I hope you change. I will help you to change to be a better person, if you do your part. We will work together to make you really hapy, and I will be happy too if I see you good”.

The girl´s eyes teared up and thought, because she knew that living far would be difficult. She felt sorry and promised her mom she was going to change, and that she deserved the punishment due to her bad behaviour with her mom.

From that day on, daughter and mom began to work good manners, better education, in short, human values that she had to learn. Lived always together and were very happy.


Moral of the Story: Always obey your parents, I you behave right, life will reward you. The love of a mother is the best in thee world and we have to make the best of that love, demonstrating that we love her by obeying.

Values of the Short Story: Obedience, love, recognising our mistakes, assume the consequences.


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Short Story written by: Alejandra V.

Once upon a time…

There was a princess called Maggie, she was tall, white like the snow, had red lips like a rose, her hair was brown, had light blue eyes and was very nice and kind.

She was in love with a bricklayer called kevin, was tall, had brown hair, white skin but always tanned, was strong, had dark eyes, was kind, he was never angry and was very nice.


He was also in love with her, but never said anything, not like Princess Maggie who told the whole kingdom, the whole kingdom except his dad, because he was going to get angry. Her mom did know everything.



One day, Maggie decided to tell her dad, he deserved it, she could not continue hiding the secret to him.

Instead of telling him directly, prepared a surprise for Kevin. Sent him many flowers that made the shape of the words: “I love you”. He was very happy and went running to the castle. The princess was waiting for him, and they kissed. The father saw them, went untik them and screamed:

- “None of my daughters will be with a bricklayer!”

And separated them.

Maggi said: “It doesn´t matter what he is, everyone is equal, I love him above all. I you loved me, you would let me be with him. Not just because one has more money than the other or different surname means we are different”.

The father stayed quiet, after a few minutes said:

“Daughter, you are right, I love you and I allow you being with him, because yo love each other and everyone is equal”.

And the lived happily ever after..

Moral of the Short Story for Kids: Te name, the life condition or the money doesn’t matter. Everyone is equal.

Values of the Short Story for Kids: Never give up if you love someone.


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Short Story for girls and boys written by: Dani.

Once upon a time…

There was a girl called Lucy, who was living in a very small town. She had always wanted to have a pet, but her parents didn´t want because they said it was a big responsibility.

The girl was very sad, and her parents couldn´t see her like that, they felt great empathy for Lucy, so decided to buy her a pet, but unfortunately didn´t have enough money.

frog short story girl toad

That afternoon, the girl went out to the park and saw a little toad, she liked him so much that took him to her house, on the way home, gave him a name: Ronny.



When she arrived home, her parents saw it and asked:

- “What are you doiing with that toad?”

And she said that as they could not buy her a pet, she decided to take the toad.

Her mom and her dad got a bit pissed of, and told her they were not going to take care of the toad. Wanted to take him out of the house, but Lucy promised she was going to take care of him, that they didn´t have to worry.

Her parents trusted her and let her keep it. With the condition of being responsible and taking care of him on her own.

After a few weeks, Lucy forgot to give him food and water. Her parents noticed it and warmed her to be careful. They preferred her freeing the toad until she was older to have a new pet she could care better.

Lucy accepted, but the toad was always at the same place, and she visited him ever day.




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Short Stories for Kids written by: Raúl Simao Ferraz.

That is my story, the story of a turtle with no fear, a turtle with no fear that wanted to fly. I´m not saying she was not scared, I am saying she was brave, and her enthusiasm for flying was stronger than the fear of trying it.

Every morning, after eating, she used to go to the beach. There, she walked slowly on the sand, feeling every grain between her legs, taking the same way always, until arriving to a stone where she was used to spend many hours.


She could feel the world immensity from there, the bay was eternally swimming without resting, always with the sea, the wind was whispering music from the bottom of the earth to the mountains, and they took some to musical notes for herself.



But, what she most liked, was to see the birds stopping on the air, being part of the landscape, and so far from her at the same time. Only with their wings spread out, nothing else!

- “They may know something I don´t know” – wondered the turtle.

He thought he could discover their incredible secret, he knew that discovering it would make him see the world in other way, if she could feel the freedom from the breeze…

One morning, a little bird lied on her shell, and asked her incessantly:

- “Why do you come here every day, stopping on the same stone? Is because you are green? Where do you come from? How old are you? Why are you so old?…”

The turtle couldn´t see him, only could heard it and feel the weight of his legs.

- “I just come to see you flying, I can believe you can do it” ´replied the turtle.

The little bird went down the shell and walked curious around the turtle:

- “You can´t be that big and not being able to fly! Have you ever flew? I have flown since I can remember”.

- “I don´t know how to do it! my body is to heavy and I have no wings!” – said the turtle.

The little bird was flying and flying around her, it looked like they were flying, watching her from the far, approaching her, while the turtle was stretching out her neck trying to follow him dancing.

- “Follow me! I will wait for you at the top of that mountain!”

And left flying. The turtle did not hesitate to go to that distant date.




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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Raúl Simao Ferraz.


….”Follow me! I will wait for you at the top of that mountain!”

And left flying. The turtle did not hesitate to go to that distant date.

Walked through places she had never been before, saw things she had never seen before, and heard noises that were new for her.


Finally, after making a big effort, arrived to the top of the mountain, where the bird was waiting for her. With her head lowered, looking at the ground, with tired look due to the difficult way, but she recognized the bird´s legs and looked at him.



- “Are you ready to fly?”.

The turtle was shocked, amazed with him, enjoying the beauty of his wings, blinded with the curtains these made in front of his eyes.

- “Walk some steps, walk until I say… there!, now, close your eyes!

The bird moved, living behind him the most beautiful view the beach could have from that height.

- “Breath deeply! feel the wind on your face!” – was whispering to her ear flying beside her – “Now, open your eyes and enjoy your flight!”

Her body didn´t seem to be so heavy a all, could feel de breeze strength between her legs, as if were wings. From the far,  could see the stone were she was always sitting to watch the birds flying. Her life was also beautiful from the heights, part of the landscape but distant at the same time.

- “Never raise expectations! let the world surprising you” – said the little bird.

Then, understood the amazing secret for the first time, he understood that happiness for the first time.

Stopping at the beach, on her stone, it was not the same never again. She could now see the birds and fly with them. She only needed to close her eyes, to feel the breeze on her body, as wings.

She could feel the colors, the smells, the sounds around her. She felt like being part of that immensity in spite of being so small.

And, above all, she never stopped of hearing that soft voice whispering in her ear saying: “Enjoy your flight!”. Making her really happy since then.

And that is the end of the story…


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Short Story for Kids written by: Ulica Tizaber.

Once upon a time, there was a mouse who was a mouse and a pedestrian. He was living in a farm, because was a wood mouse, and sometimes made trips to the city.

Behaving as a mouse, he was running over the floor of the barn really fast, smelling everything similar to cheese.

Childrens stories - the tiny little mouse

He was very happy being a mouse, but it also had disadvantages, because any time a cat pursued him, the mouse was so nervous that walked everywhere, kicking his head on the walls, getting bumps. But, as he was a prudent observer, he met a cat few times, only at lapses of concentration.



His side as pedestrian was a bit more complicated, only had to use it when was out to the city.

He liked being a pedestrian, but required more concentration and mental and physical effort.

The days he was going to a trip, ended up very tired and sleepy. He wore a hat to be a pedestrian, and tied up his tail in order not to drag it, getting dirt. And his walking way was as any other pedestrian.

Stopped at the zebra crossing, making sure the traffic light was green for pedestrians, and then looked to one side and then to the other of the street. If there was no car coming, she crossed the street with lightness for not having to run in the middle of the way.

This wood mouse was a very smart city pedestrian, because knew how to behave suitably at any situation. This quality made him very special, so at the farm, he was named  traffic education teacher of all the animals. The barn was the place designated to theoretical lessons, and the city was the place to do practical lessons.

They all trusted in him to go out on a trip. Thanks to his experience, opened a local in the city dedicated to “How to be an expert on traffic education?”.

He was successful all around the world, and, nowadays, the pedestrian mouse manages the company, and is the most enterprising mouse ever seen.


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Short Stories for Kids written by: Rosa Godoy Mendez.

- “Peter! Pick up your toys!” – said his mom for the fifth time.

But Peter was so excited with his new video game, that didn´t obey his mother.


- “Please, Peter, I´m not repeating it again, it´s time to have a shower and then eat dinner”.



Peter stopped playing reluctantly, it was the last video game of a game saga he was collecting; “Pirates from the cursed island”, and was super interesting.

After dinner, his mom asked Peter to help her cleaning the table, but Peter ran to his room to continue playing with the video game, instead of picking up the dishes.

- “This kid is such a disaster! Have you seen the bathroom? Peter, pick up your clothes!Peter!Peteeeeeeer!!”

The next day, Peter woke up wondering why his mom hadn´t called him at the same time as always to go to school. Went down stairs to the kitchen and what a surprise when there was One-eyed Captain! the pirate from his video game!

- “Bu…but…where is my mom? what are you doing here?”

- “Your mom does not live here any more, she got tired of you ignoring her any time she asks you something. Now, I will live in your house with my crew, and you will serve ourselves anything we order to you”.

- “Bu..bu..but…”

- “But nothing, I was waiting for you to wake up to prepare my breakfast. Harry up, my crew is about to come”.

Peter started working, prepared breakfast for the whole crew, and then had to clean the table, wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen.

After many adventures through the seven seas, the captain and his crew wanted to take a bath. After the bath, Peter had to pick up all the clothes and clean all the mess in the bathroom.

Peter spent the whole day behind the pirates, picking up everything around. When night time arrived, peter was very tired, and asked the pirates to help him cleaning. The captain looked at him, and all of them started laughing. Then Peter woke up.

Understood it had been a dream, and thought:

- “My mom might be as tired as I was in my dream every night. from now on I´m going to help her , and I´m going to clean and tidy up”.

That day, His mom could not believe it what she was seeing. Peter helped her to clean the table, picked up his clothes, didn´t understand what was going on, Only peter knew it, any time he looked at his video game.


Moral of the short story for Kids: People don´t value what the others do, until they live the same situation.

Values of the Short Story for Kids: Solidarity and helping the others.


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Short Story for Kids written by: Stas Holodnak.

That afternoon the grandmother could not manage to pack her suitcase because Leo the house cat was getting in her way. Each time she tried to open it, Leo squeezed his head in and mixed up her stuff with his furry paws.

“Modern cats don’t know anything about manners” observed the grandmother.

cat kitty short stories

“Cats don’t have matters grandma”, Effie laughed.

“I met once a cat who did”, said the grandmother. His name was Pushok.

“Tell me about Pushok, please!” Effie begged. Who wouldn’t be curious to hear about the cat who had manners?



“Very well” – began the grandmother at last surrendering the suitcase to Leo. ”Pushok was a grey tabby – short fur, green eyes – there was nothing that made him look different from any Russian street cat. In fact a street was where your grandfather Efim first met Pushok who was dwelling in a cardboard box filled with fluffy feathers from a ripped old pillow. Efim was about your age at the time and Pushok was only a little kitten. Efim brought the kitten home, fed it and gave it a bath. He named it Pushok which means fluff in Russian”, said the grandmother before pausing for a moment.

In the meanwhile Effie was not the only one in the room who paid attention. Lilac colored Leo fixed his green eyes on the grandmother as if interested in another cat’s story.

“Pushok grew into a strong young cat at the worst possible time and place for a pet to live in. The time was the start of the Second World War, the place – the besieged city of Leningrad.

Invading German and Finnish armies surrounded the city from the sea and the land cutting off all supply routes. Food in Leningrad dwindled to the bare minimum in the matter of few weeks. What was still available was being rationed by the city government. The hunger set in – a long, deep hunger. Sensing that they themselves can be eaten, many pets had escaped. Not Pushok. Miriam was sharing her own food with him.

Children, on average, have better eyesight than grownups and Efim put his to a good use. With a slingshot he was hunting small birds – pigeons, crows and sparrows. He would bring what he had caught to Miriam who made a stew for Efim, Pushok and herself.

One day a Navy officer saw Efim shooting down a tiny sparrow hiding in the tree up above.
“I believe you have a talent we could use”, the officer told him.

Efim did not want to leave Miriam but she convinced him to go with the officer. Efim was better off with the navy she felt because sailors, unlike civilians, were receiving enough nutrition.

Not very long after Efim’s departure the winter came. The Leningrad winter is not the winter as we know it – a little snow, a bit of ice, a Nor’easter now and then. Situated less than five hundred miles from the Arctic Circle, the city itself is a Nor’easter. Supercharged by the Gulf of Finland the winds from the Baltic Sea will frost bite your ears if you don’t wear a fur hat with ear flaps. You must wear layered clothing and when there is no heat in-door you will sleep in one.

Miriam did not eat for days now. The cat Pushok was gone at last. She was not bitter just amazed that Pushok had stuck with her for so long. She lied in bed, now very week when suddenly she heard scratching on the window glass. She dismissed it at first but the scratching did not stop. Mustering the last bits of strength Miriam got up and opened the window. Guess who jumped in?”

“Pushok”, cried Effie.

“That is correct”, the grandmother noded. “It was Pushok and he did not come empty pawed – he was carrying a pigeon in his teeth.

From that moment on when Miriam ran out of food, Pushok went out hunting. Miriam was grateful and very very proud of Pushok, yet she did not realize how dangerous Pushok’s hunts really were.


Click to read: PUSHOK (SECOND PART) 

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Short Story for kids written by: Stas Holodnak.

Click to read PUSHOK (FIRST PART)

One cold winter day, Pushok went missing. Concerned, Miriam looked all over for him. “Pushok, Pushok”, she called. At last she heard a faint meowing coming from up the tree next to her. She looked up and at the same time Pushok jumped into safety of her hands. He had wounds all over his body. As he was hunting he was ambushed by a dog that bit him until Pushok barely saved himself in the tree.

Staying home was not an option - Pushok had to hunt to bring in food. This time Miriam would always be by his side. She was carrying a heavy stick at all times and would not hesitate to use it.


Gradually life in the city was improving. The Russian Army had established supply route to Leningrad that led through a frozen Ladoga Lake. Germans bombed it relentlessly but they could no longer break the Road of Life which was the name Leningraders gave it.



As precarious Miriam and Pushok’s situation was, they still found time to have fun. Their favorite pastime was playing checkers. Can you imagine playing checkers with a cat? No? There are few things you need to know first. Cats are intrepid thinkers therefore you should keep up the pace. Make a move as soon as they make theirs, don’t hesitate. Cats might make two moves in the row – that’s ok, so can you. Moves in any direction are accepted. When you can’t change your opponent you change the game!

With spring‘s arrival Efim was able to come home to visit. Each time he brought food – enough food for Miriam and Pushok to stop hunting”.

“What was Efim’s job in the navy” asked Effie.
“He was a mine spotter”, said the grandmother. “He would stay on the deck of a fast patrol boat called the cutter and scout for mines that Germans were laying. Ships in the harbor were counting on Efim to find mines. A single mine could easily sink an entire ship!

One day the skipper told Efim that he can go home to see his mom and that this time he can stay overnight. As happy as Efim was to spend the evening with Miriam and Pushok, he was even happier the next day for it was special. On that very day the Russian victory over the Nazi Germany was announced on the radio.

Instantly all of Leningrad erupted in celebration. Every street, square and promenade was filled with survivors of the blockade. It took Efim a long time to get to the harbor. It seemed that everyone in the street was trying to hug him!

When Efim made it to the dock, the cutter had already sailed. Sadly it never returned. Sailors from another ship told crying Efim how they saw his cutter being destroyed by a mine. Those who laid it may have surrendered but, as far as the mine was concerned, it did not change a thing.

Overcome by the sad news Efim signed up for a long expedition to the Antarctica. All this time when he was away, Pushok kept Miriam company.Pushok lived long enough to see Efim get married and for Efim’s first daughter – your mother to be born. As a toddler your mother often expressed her affection for Pushok by pulling hard on his tail. Not once did Pushok lashed out, scratched or bit her.

Overall Efim’s time with the navy as a mine spotter, a sailor and a dock worker, amounted to more than sixty years. This was quite a milestone. One day the navy sent a reporter to interview him. The reporter has published everything Efim told him about himself, about Miriam, and about Pushok.

Touched by Pushok’s bravery people started sharing stories about wartime pets – stories that their parents or grandparents shared with them. It turns out thatPushok’s conduct, as exceptional as it was, wasn’t unique. During hard times some pets were acting in the ways you would not expect from an animal…”

The grandmother has left but Effie was still thinking about Pushok. She looked at Leo who looked straight at her. He appeared more mature to her now. Effie opened the checkers box and put pieces on the board. Intrigued, Leo sniffed them. “Let’s play Leo”, Effie said. She made the first move.


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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Maria Antonia Llaneras.

Sarah and her grandmother Mimi were living in the big Magic field, in the heart of the cold valley, surrounded by hundred of leafy trees, giant beeches, huge oaks, the pines and a bed of soft ferns that was home to many savage little animals.

Grandmother and grandchildren were living with their dog, Rufus, (who had cinnamon colored long hair), in a deep cave at the hillside of the mountain. Nature caves were the best to hold on the hard Russian winter.


There was a big place at the entrance of the cave which was used as the kitchen and the room, near a chimney, and an oven was included.



The heat of the constant fire acted like a barrier against the frozen air from outside.

Sara was living happily in the old field, surrounded by animals and birds, nearby a river called Emerald river. The name comes from the green emerald color of its cloudy and wide water, full of emerald dust.

Rufus woke up very early and was already diving in the river searching for pink salmons, fishing them with ability to give it to his owner later, who hanged them from the chimney to smoke them and then sell them on the friday market.

Mimi was really proud of her granddaughter Sarah, to whom she had taught everything she knew. The Russian gypsy traditions were about ancestral wisdom for recovering and feeding in the most hard and cold forest in the planet.

Sarah was a merchant at friday market, always accompanied by her close friend, Violet, her sister and neighbor.

Both girls dressed up good that day. Sarah especially, wore her red frilled skirt and her white blouse with lace. Her gold earrings and her red lipstick, imported from China by spanish gypsies, made her look like a tanned princess.

Her close friend Violet, looked like a seventeen year old girl, with her black boots, black coat and her colorful woolen hats and gloves, weaved by her mom to sell at the market.

The two girls were tired of spending the whole winter in front of the chimney, eating hot chocolate and blueberry jam. They had gained a bit weight, but it didn´t matter. Spring was arriving and it was good to have extra fat, in case they had to walk a lot through the field.

Spring market had finally arrived, all the gypsies were going to be at friday market selling their goods. Spring had arrived to Rosemary city.

It was a sunny day, the end of may, had stopped snowing, and the snow was melting really fast, there was water running around the forest, they had to be careful not to slide green and jellied moss that was all over the valley.

They could almost go without shoes, and that is what Sarah used to do. Her gold shoes were perfect for running, but without them, she felt free like a little rabbit.



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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Valentina Trimboli.

One day, Martin bought a fish, a beautiful gold colored fish. His name was Billy.

Then bought the fish bowl, it was his temporal home, the fish was going to be released to the sea sometime.

fish bowl short stories

Unconsciously, Martin raised his fish with fear, fear to the outer life, fear to swim free to explore everything from the outer life.

On Saturday, 8 of february 2005, Martin went to the beach with a group of members of the AHA (Animal health association) to free Billy (the fish) because it was an adult.

When Billy found himself in such a big space, didn´t know what to do, where to go or how to react to common things, like the boats, the bigger fishes, like how to feed, or where to live.

One day, Billy was swimming between the corals at the bottom of the sea, when suddenly, between two brilliant rocks, saw sharks approaching him. Billy was trembling with fear, the sharks heard his teeth trembling. Billy didn´t know how to react, looked at them and said:

- “Don´t eaaaaat me. Pleeeeease!”

The two sharks looked at him, laughed and said:

- “Don´t be scared little friend. We won´t hurt you, but you have to be careful, and eat something too, you are too skinny”.

Billy said sad:

- “I know, but my owner raised me in a fish bowl, I didn´t know what to do when he took me here, to the sea, I don´t know what to eat or where to live. Could you help me?”

The sharks said: “Sure, little, come with us”.

Billy followed them…

Nowadays, Billy is a strong and healthy gold colored fish, with a big smile that illuminates even the most dark places, has everything he wants. Has a warm home and two shark friends that help him and are with him all the time.



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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Luis Muñoz (Spain).

There was a country house in a beautiful valley. It was very big, beautiful, built with good taste, and full of details.

The owner was a well off landowner called John. I was a person who had a good heart and loved animals, he liked going hunting.

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He used to capture different living birds to put them into cages. He liked seeing the animals inside, to take care of them and protect them. Before hunting them, those were wild animals living in the valley.



John had a fifteen year old son called Josh. He also liked animals and birds, but unlike his father, he didn´t like the way his father had them, inside a cage, without being able to move, Josh liked them being free, at their natural environment.

Sometimes, when his father wasn´t around, Josh freed some animals in order not to suffer in the cages, even if were confortable for them.

His father used to capture, gazelles, cats, zebras, leopards, eagles, owls and many others.

John, his father never noticed it, until one day realize that some cages were open and empty.

As Josh knew his son´s wish of seeing the animals being free. Knew that it was him.

Josh was angry, didn´t think about it, and decided to leave the country house without telling his dad.

After some days, his father was worried, because Josh wasn´t back. Cried thinking that he had left him forever.

It was his only child, and loved him more than no one, more than the animals, because this was just a hobby to distract himself.

John asked to some of the employers of the house, to go out to look for his son. They finally found him after a long time searching. It was in another country house with a friend.

The employers told him his father´s desires. Begging him to come back, that he could do what he wanted with the animals and the cages, if he came back home in exchange.

Gave him permission to free all the animals, to range them free around the country house or the valley.

Josh went to see his father and told him he was coming back to release the animals. Said that the doors of the cages of the fence doors of the house were going to be always opened, so all animals living there could move as they wanted, getting in or out, if they wanted to eat there or not.

And so they did, animals went in and out when they wanted, even other animals that had never been caged, went there too. They liked going because were well cared for.

Josh and his father were very happy because they had made the right decision letting them free, this way, John did not have to go hunting, the animals went to his property by their own. The country house was always full of animals.

So, the very united family lived very happy with their wild animals and birds, taking care of them

Wild animals should always be free enjoying their nature and environment.



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Short Stories for kids written by: Franca Gordillo.

This story begins in a little town in the south of Italy, where the only way of life was to cultivate the small land inherited generation after generation.

This one tells the story of a peasants family, formed by Anthony and Natalie, who were parents of Joan, Peter, Mary, Rose and Mimi.


It wasn´t easy lo live there, because the second World War had finished not much time ago. But they all worked hard without exception, to work and dominate the land; composed more of stones that of productive land, what made the work even harder.



Being united, they could turn that arid land into fertile land, so, thanks to the harvest, they were able to maintain the familiar economy, to live an honest life, with dignity, ,but without any luxury.

One day, while they were making their daily hard work, were all surprised with the coming news; there was a new heir on the way.

The news generated many expectations, but the biggest expectation was Peter´s, who was the only boy and wanted to have a “little brother”.

Time passed, and the expected baby was born. It was not a boy, actually, was a girl.

Peter´s disillusionment was so big that could not hid it. But Natalie, using mom´s wisdom, getting everything they want from nothing, comforted him saying:

- “Son, you have to be happy with your new sister, you are going to name her”.

Peter, was proud of it and came to his senses. This way Phoebe was born (It was the name of Peter´s girl friend).

Phoebe began her life surrounded by nature, with her family. She went to the field every day. While the others were working she was happy, had no worries, taking care of all of them, always attentive.

But the little girl had demonstrated that had a problem since she was too small; she didn´t like wearing the same clothes two days in a row, and there was no way to content her. It was incredible to see how she could notice everything around being so small, crying when she did not like something.

So, Natalie intervened again, she didn´t talk too much, but she acted with wisdom. Do you want to know what Natalie did?

…Took off the girl´s dress, she was anxious. Then she moved  away from her to hide her arms and turned the dress over, looked at the girl and said:

- “Look! Mom just got you a new dress!

And the 3 year old girl, so innocent, wore her new dress happily.


Moral of the Short Story: There is no need of having many things, to value what you have is what matters. Besides, don´t need many things to be happy if there is love.

Values of the Short Story: Love, understanding, Effort.


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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Naomy Liseth Cerritos Palma.

Once upon a time…

There was a girl that worked so hard, because her two stepsisters and her stepmother ordered her many chores.

The royal ball was going to be soon, there, the prince was going to choose a princess from kingdom, to marry.

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The day of the ball, Naomy really wanted to go, but she couldn’t because her stepmother asked her to clean everything, wash the clothes, feed the animals and other tasks.



When Naomy finished of doing everything, did not have any dress to go and was very sad. Suddenly a fairy godmother appeared, talked to her and said she was going to granted her three wishes. Naomy accepted.

Naomy´s first wish was a very beautiful dress, the second wish, was a pair of crystal heels, and the third one was to have an awesome carriage.

When Naomy arrived to the ball, the prince got hypnotized with her, and asked her to dance immediately.

The party finished and Naomy neither told her name to the prince, nor the place where she was living, because it was too late when the prince asked her, and Naomy had to arrive home before ten o´clock, her stepmother didn´t know she had gone out.

Finally, the prince found that girl, became very good friends, and then, got married.

And that is the end of the story…


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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Victoria Tovar Chavez.

Once upon a time…

There was a girl called Vicky, who had studied fist grade in a elementary school, but she was not happy at her school.

As her parents wanted to please her, send her to another school to start her second grade in a different elementary school.

Short stories - Stories for little girls and boys

She was very happy, wanted to make new friends and was hanging around her new school asking to everybody: “Do you want to be my friend?”



But she made a mistake, wanted to be popular and joined the group of popular girls in school, but not in the right way.

They had a leader called Jenny, she was nice at the beginning, and became Vicky´s best friend. But Vicky didn´t realize that joining her was going to cause her damage.

Vicky started changing since she met Jenny, her personality was not as sweet as before, began to be more arrogant, didn´t want to have many friends, was gossip, et cetera.

But time passed, and the others´ insults were getting worst, until arrived the moment that her marks began to descend. Things were getting worst for having changed that much, she barely had friends, she din´t care about her friends, talking to them in a rude way instead of being nice.

Until, after all that suffering, the happiest day arrived; they told her that Jenny was not going to be in her school next year, she was moving. But Vicky didn´t believe it.

But, indeed, the last day in school, Jenny told Vicky that she was leaving. Instead of having a happy ending, Jenny told her that she only liked her because of her money, that she had never felt it was her friend.

Vicky was very disillusioned and started crying.

When summer holidays finished, Vicky went back to school convinced that all the bad she had suffered last year, had gone with Jenny, but got very upset when found out that her class mates hadn´t forgotten anything, they still had resentment towards Vicky.

She didn´t understand it, but the light arrived, Ivonne. She supported her, even the others told her not to join Vicky, because she was not the same any more and was bad. Ivonne didn´t care, kept being her friend, said she needed a new opportunity.

After one year, they were in fifth year, it was the last year for Vicky in that school, because she was moving away, so, that year she decided to get good marks and change everybody´s mind to think she was a good person, and be their friend again.

Her class mates understood it had not been her fault, it had been because of Jenny, who had been bad to her.

Told them that was not worth the effort of disappointing, that they had to move on, with their loved ones´ help.

Vicky moved away, but was so happy knowing she got what she had tried during long four years. Became friend of everybody and finally cried with joy, knowing that it does not matter what the others say, never give up, be yourself.

And that is the end of the story.

Values of the Short Story for Kids: Friendship, forgiveness, solidarity.


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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Chris Morales.

There was a girl called Anna, who was studying in Esmarth Vil, a primary school in United States.

She was the most hardworking in school, her marks was higher that the others. She was the best, but nobody wanted to be her friend, didn´t want to play with her and teased her.

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One day, the teacher put an exam, but a boy called Robert signed his exam using Ana´s name. So, when the teacher returned them the exams, everybody was shocked, even Anna, when found out she had failed the exam, and the other kids were happy of it.



The next day, when Anna arrived to school, all the kids wanted to be with her, and invited her to play. Suddenly,  when Anna was playing with the other children,the teacher appeared to inform her that it had been a mistake, and she didn´t fail.

They were shocked, the teacher explained them what had happened. After that, they all stopped playing with her.

One day, the United States First Lady went to visit the school, she wanted to visit all children in all schools. During the visit, the First Lady saw the girl crying, she said:

- “What is your name?”

The girl answered: “Anna”

And the First Lady asked her why was she crying, Anna explained her what happened, she told her how the other kids didn’t like her just because she was the most hardworking in school and she always got good results.

Then, the First Lady took the school microphone and told stories about her childhood, that were similar to Anna´s.

After that speech, all children realized that they had been rude with Anna, and felt sorry. They should have been happy for having a friend getting such a good marks and making such a big effort in school.

Took example from her, and their marks began to improve. Always played together without ignoring anyone.

Were very happy and learnt the lesson of respecting the others.

And that is the end of the story…

Values of the story: Respect, friendship.



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Short Story for Kids written by: Ulica Tizaber.

Pooky was a boy from Alaska, he lived inside an igloo with his eskimo family. They barely went out of there due to the weather conditions of his country, but they received many visits from foreigner kids.

There was lot of tourism in Alaska, as there were many visitors, Pooky had lo learn several languages.

eskimo short stories kid winter children

The first language and dialect he spoke was Yupik, from the north of Alaska. That language was the one he used to speak with his family at home, especially with his grandparents.



He also learnt to speak russian, english, french and spanish. He was a real multilingual boy and was so proud of it.

The words Pooky said were very different, he was a language expert, that is why when he talked to other children in their own language, Pooky enjoyed stealing their words.

How did he steal them?, easy, he kept the words that meant the same in all languages, but with different pronunciations, and he and the other kids had to continue talking without that stolen words.

It was like that until arrived a day that nobody could understand the others, only Pooky was able to understand all his foreigner fiends. Because he had all the possible translations needed to have a coherent language. He hadn´t thought that if there are no kids to talk to, he won´t have nothing to learn.

When he realized that, began to feel very sad, feeling sorry about everything he had done, so, little by little, began to share out the words he had robed, until all the kids had theirs, and he felt better.

That is how the eskimo boy understood that to listen and share with the other is what matters in life.

And that is the end of the story…


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