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New Short Story for boys and girls written by: Pepe.

It was a sunny day, an unbearable heat, there she was, the heron flying around searching for food.

The astute heron saw a fish in a big pool, and went fast down that place, the fish did not notice anything.

fish bowl short stories

The heron opened her beak and it took a second for the fish to realize that she was going to eat him. The fish said very afraid:



-”No, please!don´t eat me! I have a family and I really really love them. I don´t think I´m a good feast for you”.

Those words moved the heron, who said:

- “It´s ok, little friend, I won´t eat you. We will be good friends from now on”.

The thankful fish recommended her other things to eat in that pool. The heron visited him when she could, because she was very thankful to the big advices his new friend gave her.

Ad that is the end of the story…


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Short Story for Boys and girls written by: Obed Madrid Calvo.

A gnome that was living in the forest, was at home boiling chestnuts with his cooking pot to cook the soup he really liked.

Then, his friend, Mr.Snail appeared at the window and called him.


- “Good morning happy gnome” – greeted the snail.

- “Hello Mr.Snail, do you want to taste my chestnut soup?” – said de gnome.

- “Mmm, smells really nice!”- the snail accepted.



Mr. Snail told the gnome about a place in the field where were many chestnuts.

- “I found lots of them yesterday, when I went for a walk” – told the snail to the happy gnome.

The snail and the gnome finished their delicious breakfast and went to collect more chestnuts to have dinner together.

There were not more chestnuts when they arrived. Somebody had collected them before.

- “There are no more chestnuts left! where are they? where are they?!” – Screamed the angry gnome.

-”Don´t worry, I´m sure there are more somewhere near here, let´s have a look”.

They were searching for the chestnuts around the forest when started raining, looked for a place to shelter and found a little wooden house. The door was open and they were wet, so the gnome said:

- “Let´s get in, nobody is inside”

-”We can´t get in without being invited” – replied the snail.

But the happy gnome did not want to get more wet, so put the snail over his shoulders and got into the house.

- “Mr.Snail! look! the chestnuts of the forest!” – the happy gnome exclaimed.

- “But somebody took them before, these aren´t ours”

But the gnome wanted all the chestnuts for him, took the sack and began to walk under the rain.

Suddenly, a lightning broke the branch of a tree, and fell on the happy gnome. Mr.Snail, who was following him, tried to help him, but the branch was too big.

Then, a wise little rabbit appeared. He had seen what had happenned at the wooden house, and helped him to get rid of the branch.

-”Maybe, none of this would have happened if you had not taken those chestnuts, that are not yours”

- “These chestnuts are mine, I have collected them!” – the gnome insisted.

Seeing that the gnome was not thinking, the rabbit took him back to the little wooden house.

-”Look, happy gnome, look through the window” – said the rabbit to the gnome.

He obeyed and looked through the window, he saw a little mom rabbit, sitting at the table with her three kids. They were sad because there was barely nothing on their plates.

-”The mom rabbit had collected those chestnuts for dinner, and now they only have four pieces of bread; meanwhile, you have there enough chestnuts for everyone” – said the wise rabbit.

-”Yes!happy gnome!” – exclaimed Mr.Snail -”You can cook chestnut soup for everyone!”

The happy gnome realized that he had done wrong. So went inside the house and apologized to the mom rabbit. As she noticed that the gnome was repentant, forgave him and accepted Mr.Snail´s idea”.

They all had the happy gnome´s delicious soup for dinner. Ate, laughed, played…and that is how they became friends.



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Short Story for Kids written by: Ma. Fernanda PCH.

Once upon a time…

In a town situated at the top of a hill, a story about a a witch that caused darkness at the beginning of November, was told.

A little girl called Anna did not know the story, so she was always wondering why was always dark in the first days of November.

Short stories - the forest fairy

One day, little Anna, anxious to know it, asked her mom about the darkness. Her mom told her the story with fear:

- “It is told in town that there is a witch in the forest that causes darkness”.



After that intriguing conversation, Anna wondered how could she cause the darkness. Was astonished. Until one day, gathered her courage and went to the forest, walking and walking, could not see the end, until fell exhausted and sheltered between the trees.

The next morning, she woke up on a confortable bed, wondering what was she doing there, because she had fallen asleep in the forest.

Opened the door, heard many noises, went down stairs and a very nice woman said:

- “Good morning! did you have a good night? I found you yesterday very alone. Did you get lost?”

Anna replied: “No, I am looking for a witch that causes darkness at the end of the forest”.

The lady said: “I cause darkness and I am living at the end of the forest, but I´m not a witch”.

Little Anna said shocked: “You are not a witch! so you can teach me how to cause darkness?”

- “Of course I can” – said the woman.

The girl said enthusiastic: “Why do you always cause darkness at the beginning of November?”

- “Because there is a very special flower on that date, only on that date, is because of that”.

The woman spent the whole day teaching Anna to cause darkness.

- “Oh, no! it´s too late!!”

Meanwhile in town, her parents were looking for her desperately, until came to the conclusion that the witch had taken their daughter. So all the moms protected their kids.

The parents prepared to go to the forest to catch the witch of darkness, while the girl was saying goodbye to the woman, promising to visit her again the day after to keep learning.

Running between the trees arrived to town, climbed a high wall and said:

- “Can I have your attention, pelase? I have to tell you that the witch doesn´t exist, Is only a very good woman. I went searching for that damn witch, and I met a nice woman instead, who taught me to cause darkness”.

Everybody looked at each other thinking she was right, but they had to verify it. So, the next day, Anna went to look for the nice woman and everybody made her many questions. She answered honestly and they all believed her.

So, from that day on, nobody thinks there is a witch, and many people visit her delighted by her intelligence and wisdom.



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Short Story for Kids written by: Reina Suazo.

Once upon a time…

There was a kid called Mike who got along very well with other children; Ruth Charlie and Eddy. They were very good friends.

But one day, they had a fight. Nobody knew what had happened, because they played together every day and never had have a discussion.


It all started when they were deciding what to play. Each of them chose a different game. One of them decided to play football, another one wanted to jump a rope, and other one wanted to play hide and seek.



They could not reach an agreement, so started arguing. One of them stopped the dispute quickly, saying:

- “Don’t fight, because each of you had different thoughts. We can organize ourselves and play all the games. A different game every day, and all of us will be happy“.

The kids realized that arguing was not good, were very sorry, because were very good friends. Laughed at what had happened and played like everyday.

They decided to invent different games every afternoon, having so much fun using their imagination.

They never had a discussion again, and were very happy respecting each other.


Moral Of the Short Story: We all have to learn to live with people and learn how to be happy as we are.

Values of the Story: Friendship, comradeship, self-esteem, respect.


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Short Story for Kids written by: Mayte Leon Wade.

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Lily who was studying the first year of elementary. It was the first day of school when a new girl arrived. Her skin was white, had straight hair, was Catholic and was called Mayte.

Lily was very shy, so it was Mayte who took the initiative to talk to her.

children friends kids short story

Lily had dark skin, curly hair and was also Catholic. Both became best friends, in spite of their differences.



The next year, second year of elementary, they were going to a new school. They went to the spanish-american school.

They were always together until third and fourth grade. When the fifth year started, Mayte had to move to Beauty-village, where Mayte was born.

Lily was very sad, like Mayte, because it was time to separate. Mayte was going to miss all her friends: Dianne, Lissette, James, Phoebe, Hector, Mary, Diana, George, Olivia, Erika, Charlie, Adam, Andrea, Alex, Anna, Renee, Cynthia, Linda, Danielle , Philip, dana, Lula and Lily.

Mayte went to Scout School. When she started at her new school, Scout, met her english teacher from her old school, Rowan; Miss Faby.

There everything was different from the other school, but at least she was with her family in Beauty-village, that is the most important; to be always a united family.

Mayte still maintains her friendship with her other friends, continues visiting Lily when she can go to Ciudad el Carmen, because Lily and the others lived there.

In spite that the two girls had to separate, wanted to keep their friendship forever. They were growing and seeing each other often. making an effort to maintain that beautiful friendship.


Moral of the short story: Nothing is impossible, make an effort to get your dream.

Values of the short Story: Friendship, effort.


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New Short Story for Kids written by: Miriam de la cruz.

Once upon a time…

There was a town called “The Memory”, with colourful houses, perfumed flowers and fruit trees. Where the birds were plentiful, trilling every morning bringing happiness to their visitors.

People in town were used to have hens, pigs or turkeys in their courtyards, depending on their food preferences. As is normal, there were bigger houses from rich people, and also small houses.

Short stories - the brave little farm pig

There was a corner house from a big rich, which had a big courtyard with a big hen yard with a fence facing the street, so the visitors could go to see them and give them food.



One day, the circus came to town, and a merchant came too. He was a seller of wooden articles, tables, chairs, brooms, brushes…and stilts to sell them on the circus.

When the merchant saw the corner house was amazed with the flowers hanging form the roof: daisies; bougainvillea, myrtles, violets and so on.

But, the hens yard, their colorful feathers and the appetizing the hens looked to calm his hunger, attracted his attention specially.

So, planing to eat a nice hen soup, approached the fence of the yard and catch the attention of the hens. All of them ran towards him hoping to get a good handful of corn.

But one of them didn´t get close, stayed apart, outside the tumult of her sisters and friends, rearing up, becoming easy prey for the merchant.

So, trying to gain her confidence, the merchant looked for the way of going into the yard and approached her saying:

- “Little hen, what´s your name?”

And the little hen replied shyly: “Jewel”

- “And why are you so shy and sad? I saw you rearing up, your legs are very short, that is why you are so sad, that´s the reason, isn’t it?”

Jewel was shocked thinking: “He is a wizard, discovered my secret“.

Shy and self-conscious replied: “I don´t like tumults, I can´t see well among many people, not because of my short legs, is because the others want to be the best, that´s why they overshadow me, even being the prettiest“.

The merchant was very happy, he had his first client to sell the stilts.

“I have the solution to be the biggest hen in the yard, the most powerful! you are already very pretty, but using stilts your legs will be longer, so you will be the tallest here!” – the merchant said.

The hen ran to her mom, yelling: “Mom, mooooooom….!!”


GRANNY´s Short Stories, dedicated to my grandchildren, Valentín and Matías.


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New Short Story for Kids written by: Miriam de la cruz.

Click here to read: LITTLE HEN ON STILTS (FIRST PART) 

…The seller was shocked, he thought the hen was offended, turned around to leave the hen yard, but a matron hen stopped him, with shiny feathers coffee colored, like jewel´s, with the same height and small legs, holding her daughter´s hand, Jewel.

She asked the merchant: “Who much are the stilts? Is it true that we make Jewel´s legs longer?”.

hen animals farm stories

And the merchant said: “It´s true!” People from the circus use them to be bigger and enliven the spectators. This way, they all can see their pirouettes”.



- “And, how much are they?” – asked the matron hen again.

The hungry merchant answered: “a hen stew”.

The hens were shocked.

- “Oh, nooo!” – said the matron hen – “We are all very young! But I can buy a little pig for you, is for sale at the other corner”.

- “No, no, no, I don´t like pigs” – complained the merchant – “So, if I don´t have hen stew, you don´t have stilts, there is no deal!”

The hens were quiet…And mom hen was very sad because she could not please her daughter, but she exclaimed:

- “It has been my dream during my whole life; to have long legs, and now is my daughter´s dream. I want to fulfill her dream. So, on second thought, I am the oldest in the yard, so I give myself, my life in exchange of the stilts for my daughter”.

The hen Jewel was shocked, looked at her mom with fear, just at that moment could see the love inside herself and the love she felt to her mom. Understood that beauty was actually inside, and a tear rolled down her cheek. She exclaimed:

- “I am fine, I am fine! I don´t need stilts at all! I have seen me, myself, and I have seen my mom and recognized myself. I just needed self-confidence, and I have recovered. I don´t need the stilts any more, a momentary height for what? My value is not on my short legs, but in my heart“.

Looking to her mom with love, to that beautiful mom that preferred to give her live in exchange of a wooden legs for her. She sighed and held her mom´s hands and walked inside.

The merchant, left the yard bored, hungry and angry. After several months the merchant came back to town. But he did not see the yard, because  the inhabitants in town had enjoyed and eaten delicious hen stews. He exclaimed:

-”I missed my hen stew for speeding up time, and for being a cheater. Now I have to eat pig again, like that day that I also missed my stew of matron hen. What a good lesson of life!”

You worth more than what you think, you only need to see somebody demonstrating their love, even giving their life for you, to understand the value of a big heart, a good feeling. And there will always be people around you that will try to take advantage of you if you don´t know who you are or what you worth.


GRANNY´s Short Stories, dedicated to my grandchildren, Valentín and Matías.


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Short Story for kids written by: Miguel Angel Motta.

Once upon a time…

There was a kid called John who really loved going to the beach. One day he went with all his family to spend the day to a beach nearby.

He enjoyed so much playing on the sand and in the water. He was very happy of being there that day.

storm child rain short story

He was so happy that could not stop smiling at any time, he was rolling around the sand, splashing into the water without stopping of jumping and laughing.



But suddenly, he heard thunder and lightning. John was very sad seeing the storm coming, because it meant that had to go back home.

His family decide to spend some days in a rural house and enjoy going more times to the beach.

The house was the most beautiful they had ever seen; John was very happy because could go to the beach more times, and went to play with his siblings.

But after a while, heard somebody knocking on the door, went to open it and was very surprised, were his friends who came to spend the afternoon with him.

They were all together playing and having fun, they could not enjoy the sea waves that afternoon, but played like sailors, explorers or even like warriors. John did not even realized that had stopped raining.

Was so happy playing with all his friends that decided to invite them more often.


Moral of the short Story: You can get a better solution if things aren´t as you want.

Values of the short Story; Happiness, friendship, Optimism

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Short Story for Kids written by: Alejandra, (Argentina).

Philip, the naughty sea wolf is really worried. Sitting on the sand, legs up, thinks and thinks. Why the sky is not as blue as before? When was the last time that the seagull Vonda visited him? Why can´t he swim free?

Before, the sea was transparent, he could go fishing relaxed.

short stories - the-little-tanned-crab

The adventure of searching for food is so funny! But in this present, who can get what is looking for when everything is so limited?



The light is limited, the sun smell is limited. Everything is limited except the black stain that was born one morning and grows and grows in the middle of the sea. Is implacable, eats the fishes, the birds, anyone who comes close suffers the same fate.

The shore is empty, Philip looks disconsolate; kids laughs are not heard, that music he likes is not heard either. The airplanes don´t stop flying.

They attack the stain throwing fluids from the air. The old wolf Nathan, has no answers. Not even his secret investigations can explain what´s going on.

Miss Candy, the loud mouth seal doesn´t stop complaining: “There is not right to dirt our skin! these stains can´t be removed at all, men, what do you think?”

The sea is not a rubbish bin, baby wolfs can´t go around alone, playing with the waves, there is not right!

The catfish with a big mustache told them in his marine language that he was moving with his friends.

- “My house is completely destroyed, there is no way out, there is no way out!”

- “And, who can handle this unbearable smell?” – yelled the stutterer crab.

The stain will stay immobile if the wind doesn’t blow hard, but many baby wolfs began to approach it curious. If the treacherous catches you, you end up full of oil. Those who know, say that if human don’t help you, the possibilities of continue living are also limited.

The little wolfs can run the risk of loosing their skin protection. Philip thinks and thinks every morning, looking for a solution, because the human´s solutions are not enough.

And I don`t wan to be spoilsport, but they hang around with that plane, throwing whatever to the stain, well, careful the stain doesn’t eat the sky too!

But..who comes dodging the clouds? ¿Is she or is she not? yes! finally! Seagull Vonda, the traveller seagull brought answers for sure.

- “I came, I came! I have news, the south is clean!”

All the wolfs were clapping happily but Nathan.

- “What´s wrong grandpa, aren´t you happy?”

- “We, the oldest, are slow, if we all leave, who will watch over the shore?”.

Philip´s black eyes submerge at the bottom of the sea with his hopes. It´s been several weeks, and the island rocks are deserted, the stain is the only guest in the beach.

Some kilometres away, the seagull Vonda has a difficult job. Be the guide of those clumsy but persistent travellers. Her wingbeat is moving hope. The little wolf Philip, is the head of the group as the captain, he does not stop singing with the stutterer crab a lo…lo…long song.

Well friends, I think I have to package and go with them. Migrate; as human say. I prefer to say that I´m going to look for hope and new adventures.


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New Short Story for Kids written by: Camila.

Once upon a time…

There was a beautiful tiger girl who liked walking around the jungle.

One day, she was playing with her friend the owl,she moved away, and between games and games lost the trail of her way back home.

tiger short story

The owl looked for her scared, but could not find her. Meanwhile the little tiger girl was running and running from one site to the other trying to find the way back.



Her friend was desperate, so asked for help to other animals from the jungle. They had not found her yet at nightfall, when danger was near.

The defenseless and scared little tiger girl searched for a refuge inside a dark cave, without suspecting the danger that was awaiting her.

When she tried to lie down to rest after her sad day, heard a ferocious roar behind her: ran away desperate from that place, because a bear had noticed her presence and wanted to attack her.

Walked under the moon light, until found another place to rest. It was a tree trunk that a storm had probably destroyed. There, she could lie down and think about what was she going to do the next day.

While she was trying to sleep, heard a voice coming from the tree branches, saying:

- “Don´t be afraid, little tiger, tomorrow morning is near and you will be able to find the way home”.

The tiger said: “Thanks, but…who are you?”

- “I am an old and tired owl, who knows every centimeter of this jungle”.

- “Really? do you know the jungle? Will you help me to find my mother and my friend?

- “Who is your friend?” – she asked.

- “An owl, you might know him”.

- “Maybe, let´s wait until the morning, rest a bit while arrives, you need it”.

When the morning arrived, the owl woke up the little tiger girl and said:

- “I have news for you”.

- “What news?” – she asked.

- “Your friend is looking for you with other animals of the jungle, they are really worried about you, I will bring them here”.

- “Thank you, thank you!!!” – exclaimed the little tiger girl.

Behind the tree branches where she had slept that night, her friend the owl and other animals appeared, happy of finding her. They were guided by the old owl to the little tiger´s house.

From that moment, the old owl went every afternoon to visit her friend, they all played together and had so much fun.

Years passed, the little tiger became a gorgeous tiger, never forgot the kind gesture that the old owl had with her, and her lovely friend the owl, who looked for her incessantly until found her.


Values of the Short Story: friendship, effort, perseverance.


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Short Story for Kids written by: Vanesa Weber.

Not too far, where the mountains caress the sun during the day and the moon and the stars at night. There was a little wooden hut in where a shepherd and his wife were living.

After many years without having any kid, they finally gave birth to a girl called Emma.

Short stories - The little village sheep

Emma was a pretty girl, with black hair, white skin and beautiful pink cheeks, she was sweet as honey.



Emma grew, one of her favorite activities was to go out to look after the sheep with her father, sharing rolls with jam and contemplating the amazing warm tonalities of the sky at dusk.

At night, she liked helping her mom baking rolls on the clay stove, that they also used as heater. There spent the nights, in front of the fire, looking at the rolls and telling stories about the day.

Years passed, and Emma´s parents decided it was time to send her to the school at the closest village. Emma was really sad because was going to miss the afternoons with her dad, the sheep and the warm dusks of the mountain.

Emma went to school for the first time, it was not easy for her at all, because the girls in her class did not like to study with a peasant from the mountain.

They were all villagers, daughters of rich businessmen, and Emma was a shepherd´s daughter, who really desired to give the best to his little, and made a big effort for her not to stop going to school.

The other girls mocked her for not wearing neither the best dresses, nor the best shoes, they actually envied her, because Emma was a very pretty girl, none of her classmates had such a beauty.

But Emma was conscious of her father´s effort to afford her going to class, and, even being sad, every morning opened her blue eyes to help her mom and then going to school, Emma was actually a very good student.

That is how time passed, Emma became increasingly beautiful and the hate from her classmates was increasing, they murmured that she could never get to be like them, and that her future was at the mountains like a shepherd. That didn´t offend Emma because she really liked looking after the flock like her father, and contemplate the beauty of nature, really made her happy.

One day, before finishing the school year, a count assistant came to the school to announce that there was going to bee a ball in palace, in honour to the new graduates without exceptions.




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Short Story for Kids written by: Vanessa Weber.


One day, before finishing the school year, a count assistant came to the school to announce that there was going to bee a ball in palace, in honour to the new graduates without exceptions.


Girls in school went mad, they started to call the best dressmakers to make their dresses of the wealthy students before the ball, they wanted to be radiant because they all knew that the count had a handsome son that no girl in town had ever conquered him, so, now it was their chance.



The only thing that it was talked about at school was the ball, but Emma ignored it, she was only interested in finishing her studies the best way possible.

But Emma´s parents heard about the event and decided that as a reward to all her achievements, Emma had to attend. So, organized a big surprise, her mom made as many rolls as she could and bought the best clothing to make her dress for the ball.

The day of the ball, Emma´s mom showed her the dress she had made with love for her. It was when Emma´s beautiful eyes shined like the stars the mountain could caress joining the moon.

Then Emma jumped with joy, held her dress with her arms and danced with it all over the meadow. But Emma did not expected the strong wind that snatched the dress from her hands and carried it until the cliff, where was imposible to go down.

Emma cried so hard, felt like betraying her mother, until fell asleep on the meadow. She had so much tears that the afternoon sun, reflected on her tears, formed the most beautiful rainbow around Emma.

The light of that rainbow woke up Emma, and what a surprise when se found out that colorful little pieces were falling from the rainbow over her body making the most beautiful clothing, creating a real work of art.

She shined so much that her parents went out to check what was going on, and found out that was Emma wearing an amazing dress that nobody could ever imagine, and with her beautiful black hair and her pink cheeks she shined like a goodness coming from the most beautiful fairy tale.

Her tears turned into sapphires, and her incredible blue shoes contrasted perfectly with her intense blue look.

Emma´s parent were shocked facing such a beauty, then Emma ran and ran through the meadow until she arrived to the count´s house. All the guests and Emma´s classmates were perplexed, seeing Emma with pieces of rainbow clothing and her sapphire shoes lighting up the whole ball room.

It was that day when Emma´s classmates learnt not to judge people just by the appearances, pieces of rainbow clothing can rain over you when you least expect it.

The son of the count fell in love with her and realized she was the woman of her life.

Even today, in that not too far away place, where the mountains caress the sun, the moon and the stars. Emma goes with her husband, the count´s son, to visit her parents, to look after the sheep and to bake rolls. To contemplate the moon, the stars and the warm tonalities that every dusk transform the sky into a painting.



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Short Story for Kids written by: Catalina.

Once upon a time, there were two friends called Vela and Lily, and were always together until one day, due to a study commission, Vela was sent to other sit beside other girl, she was called Poppy.

They laughed together, and Lily went to Vela´s house, but she was with Poppy, laughing and playing, she didn´t even noticed when Lily arrived. So Lily went home really sad, saw the picture of them playing in the park, went to bed, didn´t want anything.

Short stories - Springtime and the flowers

Vela called her and say:

- “Hi Lily, can I go to your house, poppy just left and I want to see you. My mom told me you were here”.



- “Yes I was and you were with poppy” – said with vengeful tone.

- “Well, can I go?”

- “Yes, sure, come, but…Are you friend of Poppy?”


Lily became furious, but said with her normal voice:

- “Ok, I wait for you”

- “See you later”.

Lily was angrier than a stood up ogre. Took a pillow, put it on the wall, relaxed and watched tv. She was watching “My little pony” when Vela arrived, and Lily said:

- “Oh, hi! Come in Vela, let´s watch My little Pony“.

-”Ok” – and they settled in front of the tv.

After a while, Poppy went to Lily´s house, and said:

- “Hi Vela”.

Vela went down the bed and left with Poppy, and Lily felt guilty but angry at the same time. Threw her bag to the floor, and went to bed. Forgot it little by little.

They went to school next monday, Lily put itching powder on Poppy´s chair. Lily laughed, but not too evil.

Poppy sat, began to scratch and jumped crazy from the chair, everybody except Vela mocked her; especially Lily, who laughed more. Vela said:

-”Don´t tease Poppy”

But Lily ignored her and continued laughing even more. Vela went to her sit very offended.

After a long time, they forgave each other and the three of them became friends. Vela had a Wii, so they were very entertained playing many games, had so much fun and never fought again.


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Short Story for kids written by: Carlota Suárez villaberde y Daniel Avila López.

The princess was in love with a young man, she always saw him from her high tower. He was really handsome, with dark hair, clear eyes, pallid skin and smiling all the time. It seemed not to have any worries, he was happy.

Short stories - The princess and her swift horse

Apparently, he was a young boy from a village, who came from carrying goods with a wheelbarrow. Although being poor, being a peasant, he always worked with a big smile.



- “He seems happy” – used to say the princess.

In spite of having everything she wanted, the princess was not that happy. And she wondered:

- “Why is that guy so happy? he doesn´t stop smiling, how can that be possible?”

One day, the peasant knocked on the door of the castle, where the princess was living. A guard opened:

- “What do you want?”

- “I come to bring food packages to the princess”.

After hearing the conversation, the princess went running to the door, because she had ordered those packages to be able of seeing him closely.

- “Are for me!” – said the princess.

- “Here they are!”.

The peasant put them on the floor, and when he was about to leave, the princess asked him:

- “Can you stay here for a little?”

- “No, I´m sorry, I have to go home with my wife…” – replied.

She was very sad, her tears were running non stop down her cheeks.

The peasant´s wife was incarcerated for a felony she didn´t commit. The young man married the princess. Now she was happy, or that´s what she thought. But the young man did not smile never again, just to please the princess´ desires.

She had always had everything she wanted, everything went her own way, but she had to stop being so selfish.

After some time, the princess realized that she had made a big mistake and rectified. Explained to the peasant that she had made it for love, but that did not justified anything.

The princess freed the peasant´s wife from the cell, so they could be together again and be happy.


Moral of the short story: Nobody should think is better than the others just because of its power, or will cause sadness. Be happy with what you got and help the others to be happy too.

Values of the story: Tolerance, love and respect.


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Short Story for Kids written by: María de las Mercedes Semhan.

She bended every time somebody wanted to thread her, she resisted to be in contact with a thread. But one day, she saw him and fell in love just looking at him.

It was a special thread, his colors, texture, stretch and thickness. Everything was particularly charming.

short story threed and needle

“It´s the most beautiful thread I have ever seen” she exclaimed. She whispered to her family of soft needles and invited them to meet her lovely Mr.Thread.



They observed him, gave their opinion; “He is attractive, but he is a stranger, don´t you think you should know more about him before allowing him take advantage of you”.

“Is the first time I think I´m in good hands, and I don´t feel the need of avoiding him. Is very mysterious because I don´t know where is he coming from, or who is he, or what does he want to sew, I just know I have to help him and I will feel good”.

And then, happened, the thread joined the paper needle and said:

“Don´t worry, don´t be afraid, you won´t have to sew, we will make a beautiful Christmas decoration together for the Christmas tree this year. I am gold colored, lonely and old, thanks for trusting me and discovering that I have something beautiful to give”.

And so, the paper needle and the thread united in love, creating the amazing Christmas Star.




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Enjoy these Christmas Jokes and Christmas Riddles for Kids. Share them with your littles, pupils, nephews, grandchildren…

Short Christmas riddles and short Christmas jokes made to develop children Imagination having fun at the same time!

Hope you like them!



What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? 

It´s Christmas, Eve.

What do you call a snowman party?

A snowball!

What do elves learn in school? 

The elf abet!

Who is never hungry at Christmas?

The turkey…he is always stuffed!

Knock, knock. Who is there?. Mary. Mary who?

Mary Christmas.


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Short Stories in English written by: Manuel Ibarra.

Without forgetting that approximately a month ago, he had lost a bet on the game: ”The consonants go to the zoologic“. Daniel meets his cousin Andrew at a Birthday Party of a family friend.

Sitting in a corner, Daniel takes a pencil and paper and asks his cousin: ”Do you want to play a consonant game, with the names of our families?”

Educational Stories alphabet

His cousin Andrew replies: ”Sure! I accept, but I am sure I will win again!”

They began to write without loosing time, after a few minutes Daniel exclaimed excited:



“I have finished! listen this is my list: Aunt Becky, cousin Charlie, Cousin Don, my sister Giomar, aunty Hanoi, my grandmother Hayden, my godfather Mikel, aunty Molly my uncle Peter, my cousin Victor, my mom Xena, my dad Yacov and my aunt Zahara!

After listening his cousin reading the list, Andrew said:

“Hey! that consonant list is not completed! you missed some names, listen mine: my aunt Becky, mi grandmother Catherine, my godfather Charlie, mi godmother Ciara, my cousin Daniel, my aunt Gladys, cousin Giomar, my mom Hanoi, my aunt Hayden, my uncle Jonas, uncle James, cousin Leonard,, my grandmother Molly, my grandpa Marcus, cousin Nora, cousin Sam, cousin Thomas, my cousin Victor, my aunt Xena, mu uncle Yacov and my aunt Zahara!”.

With a stern look on his face, Daniel takes the list racing to meet his mom, Andrew follows him. Xena sees him arriving sweaty and asks:

- “What´s wrong, son? Why are you running?”.

The kid shows her the list and says: “Mom, look! here is my consonants list! can you read it and say to my cousin Andrew that I won the bet!”

Xena took the list intrigued, after reading it carefully asked her nephew to show her his, after reading it too exclaimed:

- “Listen Daniel, there is no doubt that your cousin´s consonatnts list is more complete that yours. I recognize you made a big effort, son. I congratulate you both, now, come approach the table, we are going to sing happy birthday and eat cake!”.

The kids approached the table and forgot for a moment the disagreement and their state of euphoria due to the consonants game.



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Short Story for girls and boys written by: Maribel.

Today the forest was so lively. Rabbits go out of their dens to greet the new day, the moles awake timidly from their lethargy, getting ready to start the day.

The small deers have been gamboling for a while over the small scrubs, free like the wind caressing their backs.

Short stories - The squirrel and the forest fire

Little by little, the forest is filling with its inhabitants: sparrows; hares; squirrels; snails; birds; woodpeckers; badgers…appear little by little filling with light, music and colors there where they are.



But there are not only animals in the forest. There are several little houses in the forest where some people and kids, like Helen and John, are living.

Helen and John are siblings, are the children of Valentino, de resin man.

Valentino works collecting the resin the trees produce, that is used to make varnishes, adhesives, perfumes or incenses.

Today is sunday, Helen and John don´t have to go to school, so they decide to play with the animals, their friends from the field.

Play, laugh, sing, make a big circle where everybody jumps and plays inside. Laugh and laugh so loud that the sun, keeps illuminating, looking at them from up there, with envy, thinking:

“I would really love going down to the earth to play and laugh with them, I am so lonely here. They enjoy my light, but don´t even know I´m here”.

With these thoughts in his mind, bewilder, decide to forget his mission little by little and descend to the earth to play with them. Suddenly, when he had started the descent, heard a voice saying:

“If you go down to the earth, your sun rays will be so bright that will end up burning the kids, the animals and the whole forest”.

The impact of those words was so hard that he stopped and went up slowly, back through the short stretch he had descended. His feelings were a mix of happiness and sadness; happiness because he finally understood his real mission, and sadness, because the consequences would have been terrible if he had listened his own thoughts.

That is how he decided and realized that it was posible to enjoy the laughs and the games of the children and the animals of the field from his place, fulfilling his mission. This way, he was happy and made the others happy too.


Moral fo the short story for Kids:

- Your mission is important for the world, no matter how small seems to be. 

- If you don´t do what you have to do, nobody will do it for you.

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Short story for kids written by: Edgardo Luciano Camarero.

In a faraway kingdom there was a prince who really loved maths, he was always solving mathematical problems in his notebook, and never used the mathematical calculator.

One day his father, the king Wallace, said:


- “Dear son, you should go out to enjoy our garden and fresh air. It´s important to have friends and disconnect taking some fresh air or knowing people. Please, don´t be every day solving mathematical problems in your room”



-”Ok, but I don´t think I will enjoy as much as I enjoy maths” – replied the prince.

The prince barely knew his castle, he had been always worrying about his maths problems and never watched further. Discovered a new world outside his room, lots of corridors and doors, didn´t know which was the one to go out to the back garden. Suddenly saw a big wood door at the end of one corridor, “that might be the exit” – thought, and opened the door.

But that wasn´t the correct door, the prince had entered in a dark place, he couldn´t see anything, after two steps, heard a voice saying:

- “You have just entered in the most dangerous crossroad ever, solve three problems to get out of here, you won´t see the day light if you make a mistake. And the first question is: what´s the result of 489 by 360?”

- “176,040!” – exclaimed the prince.

- “ok” – the voice exclaimed – “you can continue”

The prince realized that it was only about mathematical problems. kept walking inside the crossroad, observing everything around until he arrived at a deep cliff that had no exit. The voice said:

-”Now I have three questions for you, three steps will appear when you solve each one of them and will be able to cross the cliff to the other side, but if you fail one of them, the steps will disappear and you will fell to the depth, being devoured by snakes and poisonous spiders. And the first question is…How much is 92 divided by 2 minus 4 by 1 by 5 minus 8 by 3?”

The prince thought about it before answering.

After three seconds the prince said: “Two!”

- “You are right!, here is the first step”

The young prince obeyed the voice, who immediately said:

- “Second question: How much is 64 divided by 8 plus 3 by 2 plus 6 by 5 plus 9 divided by 3?

- “61″ – said the kid sure of his answer.

-”Correct!” – said the voice, and added – “Walk to the next step and pay attention to the third question…How much is 43.126 by 89? you just have 5 seconds to solve it”

The prince knew that the question was really difficult, and thought it was going to take him more than 5 seconds…He made a big effort, and three thousandths of a second before the time finished, the kid exclaimed:

- “3.838.214!!!” ………



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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Edgardo Luciano Camarero.


…The prince knew that the question was really difficult, and thought it was going to take him more than 5 seconds…He made a big effort, and three thousandths of a second before the time finished, the kid exclaimed:

- “3.838.214!!!”


- “Well done!” – said the voice – “continue your way, just have one question left”

The prince kept walking through the dark corridors, watching out everything around; suddenly saw a light shining at the end of the corridor coming from a door, the prince ran to reach the door, but this closed brusquely and a sirens were heard, the voiced spoke again:



“This is the last question, you have a few seconds to solve you have still one mathematical problem to solve before these walls close turning you into a human strainer!…And the question is: If you add 18 to a number and then subtract 53 units, and the result is multiplied by 3, the final result is 195 ¿which is the first number?”

The prince had never faced a mathematical problem like this. He solved difficult problems, but none like this. His nerves betrayed him, seeing that those pointed walls were getting closer to finish with his life; and could not concentrate to solve the question.

There were only two centimeters left until the mathematical prince began his long journey to heaven, when suddenly the correct answer came to his mind:

- “100,  number 100!!” – exclaimed the prince.

At that moment, the walls stopped saving the kid´s life. He ran towards the exit where was his father.

- “Son” – said King William – “What are you doing coming out the most dangerous mortal trap?”

- “I got lost looking for the park” – said the kid – “And I got in there accidentally. But it was very funny, I almost died at the end, but I knew the answer before the walls stabbed m”.

- “Son” – the king added – If you weren´t the whole day enclosed studying maths, the worst would had happened to you. I apologyze for trying to separate you fro that activity. Now, you can continue doing what you were doing, if you want”.

- “Yes, dad” – said his son – “I´m going to continue what I  was doing: Looking for the way to the park. I have been mediating and I think the best is to go out and breath some fresh air. Maths are so useful for people´s everyday life, that is why we don´t have to stop studying it, even if seems to be the most boring subject in school. But stay the whole day enclosed, away from the world, making only one thing is not good either.

I understood that is good to go out, hang out with all kind of people, especially my age. That is why from now on, I am going to study and to have fun at the same time. I´m not going to be enclosed the whole day without talking to anyone. I will dedicate the first hours of the day to study in school and after finishing my homework, I will go out to play with my new friends. Thanks dad”.

The prince was not alone in his room again. When he arrived from school, made his homework and went out to play with his friends.

And lived very very happy the rest of his life….And that is the end of the story…





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